I Can Buy Myself Flowers -- Even in a Happy Relationship!

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

I have Miley Cyrus' new song stuck in my head ALL. THE. TIME.

And I don't hate it. I was an early fan of hers and maybe felt sad for her a few times along the way (as I have for everyone I know!) But I've never stopped cheering her on and when I heard this song I thought, "She's really found herself!" Her voice, her style, and she's so good...there's no denying it.

And... I just want to make a little note about her lyrics. Hell yes, if you're getting out of a bad relationship...buy yourself some effing flowers! If you're in mediocre relationship and you just wish life wasn't so ... mediocre.

Photo of a bathtub set with warm water, flowers, candles, books and a cup of coffee for one. Treating yourself well is an essential part of differentiating and leaving codependence behind. Find out more in therapy in Round Rock, TX.

You don't have to break up with your partner before you buy yourself the effing flowers!

I always feel confused when people end their relationships and they're like, "NOW, I'm really going to take care of myself. I'm going to eat healthy and go to the gym and go out with my friends and do all the things I like!" 

You go, person!! ... AND why the heck did you ever stop doing those things??

TO BE CLEAR! I'm not advocating for people to stay in narcissistic relationships where your toxic partner tells you where to go and who to see. If you're in an emotionally, mentally, physically, or sexually abusive relationship then please, get out.

If you're bored and lonely? Why not start living your life NOW, before you separate. Get back to the gym, wake up early and do something that inspires you, check out some local social activities, take a pottery class.

What's the thing you would start doing TODAY if you had the freedom? Guess what? 

You have that freedom.

City building with neon sign inside reading "I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring." Find out where you're going in therapy at Rewiring Hope.

Go buy yourself flowers, write your name in the sand, talk to yourself (or a friend!) for hours! Take yourself dancing and hold your own hand.

Because you CAN love you better than anyone else can.

Side note: I think when you start loving yourself better than you do, it gives your partner an opportunity to start loving you better, too. And then maybe they'll start buying themselves flowers and you can start loving them better, too.